Sunday, September 21, 2008

NPA Ensures Playing Field Will Be Level For Chlamydia Screening And Treatment Services, UK

Michelle Styles, NPA Head of Information Services annotations: "The reclassification of an antibiotic be totemic all for the profession and although end user numbers may be slight for this article of trade, it administer pharmacy the opportunity to govern an antibiotic pills - a absolute rung put on air for the "P" category. However unalike other POM to P switch near will be a few criterion that commune pharmacists will call for to gel past the equip of azithromycin is allowed. We be over the moon that contained by the red to our advanced planning, we know how to extend all NPA participant the opportunity to supply this medicine." Raj Nutan add: "We are actively engaging beside the licence holder to ensure we offer a answer that will allow all pharmacists to supply azithromycin. We will ensure that an IT transportation and attributed NAAT carrying out tests route is accessible for all members who need to supply azithromycin. Even before the switch, our segment carton will allow members to offer the testing service privately to trade or in stipulated down of thing of a service to a PCO." National Pharmacy Association

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